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Showing 24 posts in Truck Accidents.

Who Can You Sue for a Trucking Accident?

Posted In Truck Accidents, Trucking Accidents

Trucking accidents can have devastating consequences, often resulting in catastrophic injuries and significant property damage due to the sheer size and weight of the vehicles involved. If you or a loved one has been involved in a trucking accident, it is crucial to identify all potentially liable parties to ensure you receive fair compensation for your losses. More ›


A Closer Look at Traffic Accidents in Delaware

Posted In Car Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Truck Accidents

Every year, the Delaware State Police publish an Annual Traffic Statistical Report which provides details about the accidents, drivers, vehicles, conditions, causes, and other relevant information from across the state for the preceding year. In this article, the Morris James car accident attorneys take a closer look at the traffic accident statistics for Delaware for 2022, and what we can learn from them. More ›


What Kinds of Evidence Do You Need in a Trucking Accident Case?

Posted In Truck Accidents, Trucking Accidents

Trucking accidents are a common occurrence on America's roads, causing serious injuries, property damage, and loss of life. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 4,965 people were killed and approximately 146,930 people were injured in crashes involving large trucks in 2020More ›


You’ve Been Hit By a Car While Walking or Riding - What Should You Do?

Delaware is one of the deadliest states in the country for pedestrians, according to a recent study of federal data. It ranks as the fifth most dangerous state for pedestrians, and statistics show that the number of pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities have nearly doubled in Delaware in the past decade. In the summer months, we have even more people on our roads as locals and visitors enjoy our beautiful state and weather, and many are biking, walking, running, or in golf carts on Delaware roads. Unfortunately, some of these people are involved in accidents with cars or other vehicles which can lead to serious injury and property damage. More ›


You Have Been Hurt in a Trucking Accident. What’s Next? Do You Need a Lawyer?

Posted In Truck Accidents, Trucking Accidents

Trucking accidents can be catastrophic events. These accidents involve heavy vehicles that are typically hauling even heavier cargo loads. Although any road accident has the potential to cause serious injury, when large trucks traveling at highway speeds collide, jackknife, or overturn, there is an even greater potential for horrific, sometimes fatal, injuries to the occupants of other vehicles on the road. More ›


What Happens After an Accident With a Box Truck or Delivery Van?

Posted In Truck Accidents, Trucking Accidents

This past October, a tragedy occurred in the Delaware Valley region involving a box truck and a pedestrian: just after 10 AM, an 84-year-old woman was struck by a passing box truck at the intersection of West Delaware Avenue and Route 31 in Pennington, New Jersey. She was pronounced dead at the scene of the accident.  More ›


What types of cases does your law firm handle?

While some law firms handle cases from a broad range of seemingly unrelated practice areas, the Morris James Personal Injury Group offers a more focused approach, helping those who were harmed by another party's negligent actions pursue compensation for their injuries via civil lawsuits. The skilled legal team with the Morris James Personal Injury Group boasts more than 80 years of combined experience in personal injury law and is adept at litigating personal injury cases, including wrongful death, auto accident, workers' compensation, dog bite, product liability, and slip-and-fall claims. More ›


Factors That Can Affect Your Settlement Value in a Personal Injury Case

It’s only natural to wonder what is the settlement value for personal injury in Delaware. What can you realistically expect to receive in compensation for your pain and suffering? More ›


Is a trucker or a trucking company responsible for my injuries?

Posted In Truck Accidents

A truck accident can be a truly harrowing experience that can leave victims seriously injured and unsure of their legal rights. Considering that most passenger vehicles weigh around 4,000 lbs., while big-rig vehicles can weigh in at 80,000 lbs. or more, it's easy to understand why so many of these accidents have such a serious and negative impact on the lives of those involved. More ›


What is negligence?

If another person's negligent actions led to an accident that resulted in you being injured, you may be eager to file a personal injury claim or lawsuit to pursue compensation for your injuries. However, before you start daydreaming about how you'll spend your settlement, you should determine whether your case—and the defendant's conduct—meets the legal definition of negligence. In order for a judge or jury to agree with your assessment that the defendant was negligent, you must be able to prove the following elements of negligence: that the defendant owed you a duty of care and breached that duty in a way that resulted in you being seriously injured. More ›


Photos to Take After an Accident

Posted In Car Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Truck Accidents

If you are in a car accident, you may want to gather evidence to support a personal injury claim or lawsuit. Photos can be one of the best ways to document the scene of an accident, providing you with solid visual proof of what happened during and afterward. But what photos should you take to document the accident? What visual evidence should you gather to best support your case? More ›


Are truck accident cases the same as car accident cases?

Posted In Truck Accidents

No. Though there are some similarities between car and truck crashes, when it comes to personal injury litigation, these two types of cases and how they're handled—are often worlds apart. Some of the most significant ways that truck accident cases differ from car crash cases include:

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Will I have to appear in court if I file a personal injury lawsuit?

It's not uncommon for prospective clients to ask if filing a personal injury lawsuit means that they'll have to appear in court. It's understandable; the thought of having to testify in front of a judge and jury can be intimidating—particularly for those with no prior experience in a courtroom. Fortunately, the experience is often far less overwhelming than clients expect—and far less dramatic than what they've seen on popular courtroom dramas. More ›


Why should I hire an attorney?

Being involved in a serious accident can throw your entire world into chaos and leave you with a lot to consider, including whether taking legal action is appropriate. If you do decide to exercise your legal rights and pursue compensation for injuries sustained in an accident that was caused by another person's negligence, you may find yourself wondering if it's really necessary to hire an attorney to represent you. While the short and technical answer to that question is “no,” there are many instances where hiring an experienced personal injury attorney is not only wise, but offers you the best possible chance of achieving a successful outcome in your case. More ›


What is Gross Negligence?

Not all negligence is created equal. Under Delaware's personal injury law, there are different types of negligence. If you were a victim of the more severe form of negligence—known as gross negligence—you may be entitled to additional damages. More ›

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