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Ross C. Karsnitz


Showing 107 posts by Ross C. Karsnitz.

Catastrophic Car Accident FAQs

Posted In Car Accidents

Severe - or catastrophic - injuries are those that have life-changing and long-term consequences. Car accidents produce many types of these, including injuries to the head, spinal cord, internal organs, and extremities. Along with physical injuries, car accidents can produce severe psychological injuries as well, which are often just as debilitating. More ›


What Damages Should You Get After a Motorcycle Accident?

Motorcycle accidents can result in serious, life-altering injuries and property damage. Injured motorcyclists or their passengers may be entitled to financial compensation for their injuries and losses from their own insurance company, from the at-fault driver or their insurer, or from another at-fault party. But sometimes injured motorcyclists are forced to negotiate with their own insurer or other parties, or even bring a legal claim, to ensure that they are fully compensated for all of their eligible losses.  More ›


7 Steps to Take After a Boating or Jet Ski Accident

The U.S. Coast Guard reported 5,265 recreational boating accidents in the U.S. in 2020. As a result of these accidents, 3,191 people were injured, approximately $62.5 million in property damage was caused, and 767 people died.  More ›


10 Things To Do After a Motorcycle Accident

If you are involved in an accident with a motorcycle, either as a motorcyclist, a passenger or the driver or another vehicle, there are certain things you should know to keep yourself and others safe, to comply with the law, and to safeguard your rights.  More ›


What is Products Liability?

In very simple terms, product liability holds a person or company legally and financially liable for harm that is caused when their product is defective. In the U.S. in 2020, nearly 11 million people were treated in hospital emergency rooms for injuries resulting from consumer products, with young children suffering some of the highest injury rates. More ›


You Have Been Hurt in a Trucking Accident. What’s Next? Do You Need a Lawyer?

Trucking accidents can be catastrophic events. These accidents involve heavy vehicles that are typically hauling even heavier cargo loads. Although any road accident has the potential to cause serious injury, when large trucks traveling at highway speeds collide, jackknife, or overturn, there is an even greater potential for horrific, sometimes fatal, injuries to the occupants of other vehicles on the road. More ›


What is a Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

Posted In Wrongful Death

A wrongful death lawsuit is a legal action brought by the survivors of someone who died as the result of a wrongful act of another person. This type of lawsuit is a civil action brought by one person (or persons,) known as the plaintiff, against another person (or persons,) known as the defendant. It is not a criminal action, however, in Delaware, it is possible to bring a civil action for a wrongful death even if the state has brought criminal charges in relation to that death. The civil action and the criminal action will be handled in different courts. More ›


You’ve Been Injured in a Car Accident. Now What?

Posted In Car Accidents

It is a sad fact of life that people are injured in car accidents every day on Delaware roads. The U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recently announced that the number of fatalities on U.S. roads increased at a record pace in 2021. Estimates project that 31,720 people died in accidents on U.S. roadways in the first 9 months of 2021 alone. More ›


What Should You Do if You are Injured by a Dog Bite in Delaware?

Dogs are a huge part of American society. According to the 2021-2022 APPA National Pet Owners Survey, 69 million U.S. households have a dog as a pet, and the Insurance Research Council reported that 21% of American families adopted a dog in 2020. Early 2020 also saw a massive increase in the number of dog bites and dog bite insurance claims, coinciding with the start of pandemic lockdowns. A State Farm survey revealed a 21.6% increase in dog bites in March 2020 compared to March 2019, and recorded more dog-related injury claims in March 2020 than in any other month in 2020. More ›


What are My Chances of Winning a Slip and Fall Lawsuit?

Posted In Slip and Fall

Slip and fall injuries are a common occurrence in the United States and send many people to the hospital year after year. According to information from the National Floor Safety Institute, a nonprofit organization dedicated to “aid in the prevention of slips, trips-and-falls through education, research, and standards development,” slip and falls lead to a total of one million hospital visits each year, showing just how often these events happen. More ›


What is Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect?

The statistics about nursing home neglect or abuse are jarring: a national survey of nursing home staff reported that a total of 36% of nursing home residents say that they witnessed a minimum of one incident of physical abuse against an elderly patient in the previous year. 10% of staff committed at least one act of physical abuse toward an elderly patient, and 40% of staff admitted to psychologically abusing patients. 

Nursing home abuse can occur in a number of forms, and it is not limited to instances of physical abuse. Other common types of abuse that occur in nursing homes include psychological abuse, financial exploitation, neglect, and sexual abuse. If you are concerned that a loved one has suffered some type of elder abuse, keep reading to learn about what actions you can take.  More ›


Wrongful Death FAQs

Posted In Wrongful Death

What is a wrongful death lawsuit?

When an individual causes the death of another due to their actions, whether through an intentional act or the result of negligence, then the family members of the deceased may bring a wrongful death lawsuit against the person who caused their loved one’s death. Read more. More ›


Navigating Legal Needs Following an Automobile Accident

Posted In Car Accidents

Unfortunately, a number of car accidents occur every day throughout the country. Whether it’s a fender bender on the highway caused by someone who was texting on their phone, or a collision resulting from someone speeding through a red light at a busy intersection, car accidents are an all-too-common occurrence.  More ›


What Happens After an Accident With a Box Truck or Delivery Van?

This past October, a tragedy occurred in the Delaware Valley region involving a box truck and a pedestrian: just after 10 AM, an 84-year-old woman was struck by a passing box truck at the intersection of West Delaware Avenue and Route 31 in Pennington, New Jersey. She was pronounced dead at the scene of the accident.  More ›


I Fell On a Friend’s Property, and I Don’t Want to Sue Them, but My Bills are Piling Up—What Should I Do?

Posted In Slip and Fall

Slip and fall accidents are an unfortunately all-too-common occurrence. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), millions of people fall each year—and more than one out of every four individuals 65 or older falls annually. The CDC says that three million older individuals (65 and up) go to emergency departments for treatment from falling every year, and there are 800,000 people who are hospitalized. 

Slip and fall accidents can happen anywhere: at home, walking in the neighborhood, or shopping for groceries. But what if you slip and fall on the steps outside a friend’s apartment? In this scenario, many questions arise. What happens next? For the injured party, they will likely want someone to be responsible for their medical bills, yet they do not want to sue their friend. So who is responsible? How does the injured individual get their money? After an incident, an individual should find an experienced slip and fall attorney to help them navigate these pressing questions. More ›

T 302.856.7158
Ross practices exclusively in the area of personal injury, representing individuals injured in all manner of circumstances. He also chairs the workers' compensation practice for …
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