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Showing 43 posts from 2023.

Surgical Errors

Surgeons train for years for the privilege of operating on another human being. When they or other members of their team fail to appropriately exercise this privilege, patients can be harmed. A surgical error can cause a patient to suffer infections, chronic pain, extended recovery time, additional procedures, disfigurement, and other painful outcomes. In some cases, a surgical error or the complications that arise from it can be fatal. More ›


How Long Does It Take to Resolve a Medical Malpractice Claim?

Medical malpractice claims are complex legal claims that often involve traumatic personal stories and complicated medical and legal issues. Every claim is different, and one unique fact in a case can have a significant impact on the length of time it takes to resolve a claim, whether through a settlement or jury verdict. A simple medical malpractice claim might resolve in less than one year, while a complicated or high value claim could last several years. More ›


Failure to Follow Up

Medical negligence, also known as medical malpractice, is not always the result of a healthcare provider’s action – sometimes medical negligence occurs when a healthcare provider fails to act. When a physician, nurse practitioner, nurse, or other medical provider does not appropriately follow up with a patient after a medical procedure, test, consultation, or other such appointment, the healthcare provider, and its employer, could be held legally responsible for medical negligence, and financially responsible for the physical, emotional, and financial harm that they caused as a result of that failure. A medical malpractice attorney can advise you on your legal rights to compensation, and help you to stand up to powerful healthcare systems and their insurers. More ›


Who Can Sue for Wrongful Death in Delaware?

Posted In Wrongful Death

The death of a loved one is always a difficult and tragic event. If the death was caused by someone else's negligence or wrongdoing, it can be even more devastating. If you have lost a family member in Delaware due to another person's negligence, you may be eligible to bring a wrongful death lawsuit. As with any lawsuit, there are procedures that must be followed, deadlines that must be met, and rules on who is entitled to file the claim.  More ›


Infant Formula Recall FAQs

Morris James is investigating claims of infant illness and death related to the potential contamination of Similac baby formula and associated recalls. Here are Similac Infant Formula Recall FAQs. More ›


Can Medical Negligence Cause Cerebral Palsy?

The short answer is yes, medical negligence can cause cerebral palsy, and, when that happens, the law allows victims to hold negligent healthcare providers accountable. More ›


Choosing the Right Medical Malpractice Lawyer

When you or a loved one have been the victim of medical malpractice, it is crucial that you find a medical malpractice lawyer that you trust and that will help you get justice and compensation.  More ›


What to do if you are injured in a rideshare accident such as Uber and Lyft

Rideshare accidents bring up difficult questions of insurance coverage, fault, and legal responsibility. Unfortunately, injured victims of a rideshare accident often find themselves in the middle of a legal mess as well as dealing with their physical injuries and emotional trauma. Many states, including Delaware, have introduced new laws to try to clarify the law and protect injured victims. If you have been injured in a rideshare accident, it is important to get legal advice to ensure that your legal rights and entitlements are protected. More ›


Rideshare Accident FAQs

What is a rideshare?

A rideshare is an arrangement similar to a taxi where passengers request a ride for a fee, usually via a website or app, and the driver uses their private vehicle for the trip. Unlike most taxis, however, rideshares cannot be hailed from the street, and the driver is not an employee driving a taxi company vehicle therefore different laws apply. Lyft and Uber are popular rideshare companies in the U.S.  More ›


How To Prove Medical Malpractice, Birth Injury Claims

Medical malpractice claims are complex and contentious. On the plaintiff's side, there is a suffering victim or family who has put their trust in medical professionals only to suffer painful, traumatic, and sometimes life-changing consequences. On the other side is a healthcare provider or healthcare system fighting for their reputation and perhaps their livelihood. The stakes are high, and it is essential to be able to present a strong, evidence-backed case.  More ›


What Kinds of Evidence Do You Need in a Trucking Accident Case?

Trucking accidents are a common occurrence on America's roads, causing serious injuries, property damage, and loss of life. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 4,965 people were killed and approximately 146,930 people were injured in crashes involving large trucks in 2020More ›


Compensation Available in Birth Injury Cases

Posted In Birth Injury

Giving birth is a momentous occasion for any parent, but when something goes wrong, it can be devastating. When a child suffers a birth injury, there are significant practical and emotional challenges. If that injury is a result of the negligence of your doctor, nurse, hospital, or other healthcare provider, you may be entitled to financial compensation for your losses, past, and future, as well as your physical and emotional suffering. More ›


Ten of the Largest Medical Malpractice Verdicts of 2022

2022 saw record-setting medical malpractice verdicts across the country. Juries have seen the pain and suffering caused by negligent healthcare providers, and are compensating innocent victims for both their financial and non-financial harm.

This list only includes cases that went to trial and highlights some of the largest medical malpractice verdicts from 2022. The majority of medical negligence cases are settled out of court, but the terms and settlement amounts are confidential and could not be included here. However, the medical malpractice attorneys at Morris James can guide you on the relevant factors in your case that could affect your right to compensation. Contact our experienced medical malpractice lawyers online or call us at 302.888.6857 for a free, no-obligation consultation. More ›

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