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Showing 102 posts in Directors.

Court of Chancery Holds Series B Director Has Immediate Right To Sit On Board

FGC Holdings Ltd. v. Teltronics, Inc., C.A. No. 883-N, 2005 WL 2334357 (Del. Ch. Sept. 14, 2005). Plaintiff FGC Holdings Limited, owner of Series B Preferred Convertible Stock in Defendant Teltronics, Inc. sought declaratory judgment that its Series B Director designee had an immediate right to sit on Teltronics' board of directors. More › Share

Superior Court Prevents AT&T From Voluntarily Dismissing the Majority of Defendants

AT&T Wireless Services, Inc. v. Federal Ins. Co., 2005 WL 2155695 (Del. Super. Ct. Aug. 18, 2005). The Plaintiff filed a notice of partial dismissal in an attempt to dismiss certain defendants. The defendants who were purportedly dismissed moved to quash the notice of dismissal. The court found that one defendant insurer could be dismissed because the entire action was being voluntarily dismissed. However, the court granted the motion to quash as to the other defendant because the dismissal only eliminated certain claims as opposed to the entire action. Plaintiff also sought leave of the court to dismiss a second group of defendants pursuant to Rule 41(a)(2). The court denied this motion. More › Share

Court of Chancery Denies Motion to Dismiss Complaint Where Board Materially Misled Shareholders About Search For New CEO

Shamrock Holdings, et al. v. The Walt Disney Co., et al., C.A. No. 1330-N, 2005 WL 1377490 (Del. Ch. June 6, 2005) Plaintiff dissident shareholders seek to void the result of a corporate election of directors, to compel the company to make full and fair disclosure of the CEO selection process, and (following such disclosure) compel another election of directors. Defendants filed a motion to dismiss Plaintiffs' complaint. The Court of Chancery denied the Motion. More › Share

Motion for Summary Judgment Granted Where Shareholders Ratified Internal Recapitalization

Rosser v. New Valley Corporation, et al., C.A. No. 17272-N, 2005 WL 1364624 (Del. Ch. May 27, 2005) Defendants filed a motion for summary judgment where Plaintiff alleged proposed internal recapitalization favored director shareholders. Plaintiff challenged the adequacy of the fairness opinion, the disclosures to shareholders and the sufficiency of the Proxy Statement because it failed to disclose separate valuations of New Valley's various assets and lines of business The Court of Chancery granted the Defendants' motion for summary judgment. More › Share

Court of Chancery Found Written Consent To Be Valid to Appoint Directors

Posted In Directors
Raphael F. Nevins v. George Bryan, et al., C.A. No. 19975-NC, 885 A.2d 233(Del. Ch. May 17, 2005) This was an action under 8 Del. C. § 225 to determine the proper directors and members of the Center for the Advancement of Distance Education in Rural America ("CADERA" or the "Corporation"). The court found that the appointment of the Director Defendants was proper and adequate. More › Share

Court of Chancery Dismisses Stockholders' Claims Because Claims were Derivative and Demand was Not Excused

In re J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. S'holder Litig., 2005 WL 1076069 (Del. Ch. April 29, 2005), aff'd, 2006 WL 585606 (Del. Mar. 8, 2006). J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. ("JPMC") and Bank One agreed to a business combination that was expected to create the second largest financial institution in the country. JMPC paid a premium over the market share price for Bank One, effectively making JPMC the acquirer and the Bank One the target. After the merger was completed, the stockholders of the acquirer sued its directors, alleging breaches of fiduciary duty with regard to the acquisition. Their claims stemmed from the allegation that the directors paid too much for the acquired bank. The defendants moved to dismiss the complaint on the basis that the claims were derivative, not direct, and that demand was not excused. The court granted defendants motion to dismiss. More › Share

Court of Chancery Finds Change of Control Payments are Reasonable if a Majority of a Board of Directors Ceased to be "Existing Directors"

Posted In Directors

California Public Employees' Retirement System v. Coulter, 2005 WL 1074354 (Del. Ch. April 21, 2005). Defendant Lone Star Steakhouse & Saloon, Inc. agreed to make change of control payments to certain employees if a majority of its board of directors ceased to be "Existing Directors." "Existing Directors" were those directors in office at the time of the change of control agreements and those new directors who were approved by Existing Directors. The views of new directors who were not approved as Existing Directors would not be considered in determining whether subsequent new directors would be considered Existing Directors. The question is whether such a provision contravenes the teachings of Carmody v. Toll Brothers, Inc., 723 A.2d 1180 (Del. Ch.1998), which concluded that directors may not be granted distinctive voting powers unless they are authorized by the certificate of incorporation, something Lone Star's certificate of incorporation does not do. More ›


Superior Court Grants Corporation's Commercial Liability Insurer's Motion for Summary Judgment Based on Automobile Exclusion

Scottsdale Indem. Co. v. Lloyd, 04C-04-024 THG, 2005 WL 516852 (Del. Super. Ct. Mar. 4, 2005). A corporation's commercial liability insurer petitioned the court for a determination as to whether the policies automobile exclusion prevented coverage for damages arising from an accident involving one of the corporation's officers. The insurer moved for summary judgment, and the Superior Court found that the automobile exclusion did apply. More › Share

Court of Chancery Dismisses Claims Against Third-Party Defendants for Lack of Personal Jurisdiction Despite Officer and Agent Status

Amaysing Technologies Corp. v. CyberAir Communications, Inc., 2005 WL 578972 (Del. Ch. March 3, 2005). Amaysing Technologies Corp. ("ATC") brought an action for breach of a loan agreement against CyberAir Communications, Inc. ("CyberAir"). CyberAir filed a third-party complaint alleging various misrepresentations and frauds against Robert Mays, Jr., and Raymond Atilano, both of whom were officers and shareholders of ATC, and Med Fadel, an agent of ATC (together referred to as "Third-Party Defendants"). Third-party Defendants filed a motion to dismiss under Court of Chancery Rule 12(b)(2) for lack of personal jurisdiction, which the court granted. More › Share

Court Of Chancery Ropes In Florida Corporation On Conspiracy Theory For Jurisdictional Nexus

Benihana of Tokyo, Inc. v. Benihana, Inc., et al., C.A. No. 550-N (Del. Ch. Feb. 28, 2005). This case deals with several motions to dismiss on several grounds, the upholding of personal jurisdiction under a conspiracy or aiding/abetting theory and plaintiff's request for a declaratory judgment. More › Share

Defendant Fails To Rebut Presumption Of Beneficial Causation For Merger Fee Award

In re Plains Resources Inc. Shareholders Litigation, C.A. No. 071-N, 2005 WL 332811 (Del. Ch. Feb. 04, 2005). This is an action for plaintiff's attorney fees following settlement of fiduciary duty-based shareholder class actions. More › Share

Corporation Seeking Injunction, Declaratory Judgment, Specific Enforcement And Contract Damages Prevails In Court of Chancery On Dismissal Motions

Randall Jacobson and Technology Development Corp. (USA), Ltd. v. Alfred Ronsdorf, C.A. No. 518-N, 2005 WL 29881 (Del. Ch. Jan. 06, 2005),aff'd, 2006 WL 212194 (Del. Ch. Jan 26, 2006) (TABLE). Plaintiff-corporation, its president and major stockholder sought to enjoin defendant, a purported stockholder and former officer from acting as an officer or pursuing any claim against any officer, shareholder or contractor of the plaintiff company. Plaintiff also pursued a declaratory judgment that defendant was not an officer or director of the plaintiff under 8 Del. C. §225 and further sought to specifically enforce a stock-transfer agreement with defendant. Defendant sought to dismiss for lack of personal and subject matter jurisdictions and for forum non conveniens. More › Share
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