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Showing 120 posts in Jurisdiction.

Federal Court Denies Motion To Remand Because Plaintiffs Demand For Coverage Met the Amount-In-Controversy Requirement

Posted In Jurisdiction
Eames v. Nationwide Mut. Ins. Co., No. CIV.A. 04-1324-KAJ, 2005 WL 1385130 (D.Del. Apr. 27, 2005). The plaintiffs filed a Motion to Remand a proposed class action involving insurance issues. The defendant removed the action from the Delaware Superior Court under 28 U.S.C. § 1441, diversity jurisdiction. The plaintiffs alleged that because the amount requirements under 28 U.S.C. § 1332 ($75,000) were not met, the action merited remand. The Court denied plaintiffs' motion. More › Share

Federal Court Dismisses Claim Of Personal Jurisdiction Because Website Listing Did Not Meet Due Process Requirement

Posted In Jurisdiction
Kalk v. Fairfield Language Technologies, No. Civ.A. 04-1486-JJF, 2005 WL 945715 (D.Del. Apr. 22, 2005). Pro se Plaintiff, a resident of Delaware, filed a Complaint against defendants' alleging tort claims. Defendants' filed a Motion to Dismiss the Complaint. The background to the suit involved violation of an alleged non-competition covenant by Plaintiff. Plaintiff alleged that subsequently, Defendants' caused the termination of his employment from Auralog, Inc., by sending a letter to them. Plaintiff filed this Complaint which alleged Tortious Interference with Contract and Conspiracy Against Rights. Plaintiff claimed that the court had subject matter jurisdiction under diversity of citizenship. However, Plaintiff failed to allege sufficient facts to demonstrate personal jurisdiction over the defendants'. Accordingly, the court granted the Motion to Dismiss for lack of personal jurisdiction because: (1)Defendant Fairfield Language Technologies et al was a Virginia incorporated entity with its principal place of business in that state; (2) its President and Chairman, Defendant Eugene Stoltzfus, resided and worked in Virginia; (3) Defendant Kathryn S. Fairfield, its General Counsel likewise was a resident and worked in Virginia; and (4) none of the Defendants' had "purposefully availed" business in Delaware. More › Share

Court of Chancery Dismisses Attorney General's Claims under the Consumer Fraud Act and the Deceptive Trade Practices Act as Being Time Barred, but Sustains Claim under the Health Spa Regulation

Posted In Business Torts, Injunctions, Jurisdiction

State ex rel. Brady v. Pettinaro Enterprises, 870 A.2d 513 (Del. Ch. 2005). Attorney General brought consumer protection action under the Consumer Fraud Act, the Deceptive Trade Practices Act, and the Health Spa Regulation against developer of condominium complex, alleging, among other things, that developer misled condominium purchasers into believing that clubhouse was part of the complex. Developer moved to dismiss action on the basis that the statute of limitations barred the Attorney General's claims and for failure to state a claim under the Deceptive Trade Practices Act. The court granted in part and denied in part Defendants' motion to dismiss. More ›


Federal Court Orders Supplementation Of Record With Citizenship Status Of LLC Members In Motion To Remand

Posted In Jurisdiction
Shamrock Holdings of California, Inc. v. Arenson, No. Civ. 04-1339-SLR, 2005 WL 400198 (D.Del. Jan. 27, 2005). Plaintiffs commenced an action for declaratory relief pursuant to 10 Del. C. §§ 6501 et seq. (2004) in the Delaware Court of Chancery. The defendants had earlier threatened to sue the plaintiffs for "millions of dollars." The defendants removed the action to the federal court and filed separate motions to dismiss which were stayed under mutual stipulations, pending resolution of plaintiffs Motion to Remand. The Court ordered the defendants to supplement the record with respect to certain corporate members of defendants SELK and Laurel Equity Group, LLC. The Court also admonished the defendants that a failure to timely supplement the record would result in the grant of plaintiffs' Motion to remand. More › Share

Court of Chancery Dismisses Claims Against Third-Party Defendants for Lack of Personal Jurisdiction Despite Officer and Agent Status

Posted In Breach of Contract, Directors, Jurisdiction
Amaysing Technologies Corp. v. CyberAir Communications, Inc., 2005 WL 578972 (Del. Ch. March 3, 2005). Amaysing Technologies Corp. ("ATC") brought an action for breach of a loan agreement against CyberAir Communications, Inc. ("CyberAir"). CyberAir filed a third-party complaint alleging various misrepresentations and frauds against Robert Mays, Jr., and Raymond Atilano, both of whom were officers and shareholders of ATC, and Med Fadel, an agent of ATC (together referred to as "Third-Party Defendants"). Third-party Defendants filed a motion to dismiss under Court of Chancery Rule 12(b)(2) for lack of personal jurisdiction, which the court granted. More › Share

Federal Court Approves Transfer Of Case To Connecticut Court Based On Valid Forum-Selection Clause In Franchise Agreement

Posted In Jurisdiction
Bbdova, LLC v. Automotive Technologies, Inc., 358 F.Supp.2d 387 (D.Del. 2005). This is a diversity suit between plaintiff, a New Jersey limited liability corporation authorized to do business in Delaware with its principal place of business in Newark, Delaware and a Connecticut corporation with its principal place of business in that state. Defendant operated a business of franchising third parties to own and operate retail wireless stores. The plaintiff filed for declaratory judgment, challenging the validity of the Franchise Agreement and its Amendment. The defendant removed the case to the Federal District Court for the District of Delaware and then sought to either dismiss the case or transfer it to a court in Connecticut. The Court approved the forum selection clause and ordered transfer. More › Share

Court Of Chancery Ropes In Florida Corporation On Conspiracy Theory For Jurisdictional Nexus

Benihana of Tokyo, Inc. v. Benihana, Inc., et al., C.A. No. 550-N (Del. Ch. Feb. 28, 2005). This case deals with several motions to dismiss on several grounds, the upholding of personal jurisdiction under a conspiracy or aiding/abetting theory and plaintiff's request for a declaratory judgment. More › Share

Federal Court Declines To Transfer Case To Arizona After Applying The Jumara Test

Posted In Jurisdiction
J-Squared Technologies, Inc. v. Motorola, Inc., No. Civ.04-960-SLR, 2005 WL 388599 (D.Del. Feb. 4, 2005). Plaintiff brought suit alleging: (1) breach of contract; (2) promissory estoppel; (3) negligent misrepresentation; (4) breach of the duty of good faith and fair dealing; and (5) violation of Arizona's Consumer Fraud Act. Plaintiff sought compensatory and punitive damages. The defendant moved to transfer the action to the District of Arizona or alternatively dismiss the case under Fed.R.Civ.P. 9(b) and 12(b)(6). The Court denied the Motion to Transfer. More › Share

Plaintiff Loses Motion To Dismiss For Lack Of Jurisdiction

Posted In Discovery, Jurisdiction
American Scheduling, Inc. v. Radiant Systems, Inc., C.A. No. 725-N, 2005 WL 736889 (Del. Ch. Feb. 09, 2005). This is a motion to quash jurisdictional discovery. The court granted the motion, quashing the discovery. More › Share

Court Tolls Appraisal Statute Despite First-Filing In Bankruptcy Court

Posted In Appraisal, Jurisdiction, M&A
Encompass Services Holding Corp. v. Prosero Incorp. f/k/a Corp., C.A. No. 578-N, 2005 WL 332810 (Del. Ch. Feb. 03, 2005). This is a 8 Del. C. §262 share appraisal case brought by a "debtor in possession" after the dismissal of its earlier filed adversarial proceeding in the bankruptcy court. More › Share

Federal Court Permits New York's Longer Statute Of Limitations Applying Delaware's Borrowing Statute And Case Law

Posted In Jurisdiction
B. Lewis Productions, Inc. v. Bean, No. 02-93-KAJ, 2005 WL 273298 (D.Del. Jan. 28, 2005). The central dispute in this Memorandum Order that dealt with a motion in limine was which statute of limitations applied: Delaware's three year statute or New York's six year statute. Plaintiff brought a breach of contract and fraud action under the diversity jurisdiction of the Court. Plaintiff, counterclaim defendant and third-party defendant Butch Lewis ("Lewis"), a Delaware citizen, filed a motion in limine to prevent Vaughn Bean ("Bean"), a defendant and a citizen of Illinois, from introducing evidence of damages at trial predating February 4, 1999, under statute of limitation grounds. The Court denied the motion. More › Share

Superior Court Holds That It Has Personal Jurisdiction Over Foreign Limited Partnership Because of Forum Selection Clause in Contract

Posted In Breach of Contract, Jurisdiction
Alstom Power Inc. v. Duke/Fluor Daniel Caribbean S.E., C.A. No. 04C-02-275 CLS, 2005 WL 407206 (Del. Super. Ct. Jan. 31, 2005). The plaintiff brought a breach of contract action in Superior Court. The defendant moved to dismiss for lack of personal jurisdiction. The court accepted the plaintiff's argument that it was appropriate for the court to exercise personal jurisdiction based on a forum selection clause in the contract. More › Share

Federal Court Denies Motion To Transfer Applying The Jumara Public-Private Balancing Factors

Posted In Jurisdiction
Kuck v. Veritas Software Corp., No. Civ. 04-831-SLR, 2005 WL 123744 (D.Del. Jan. 14, 2005). Defendant filed a Motion to Transfer in a matter involving securities violations. The defendants sought to transfer the matter to the Northern District of California. The Court denied the defendants' motion. More › Share

Superior Court Grants Defendant's Motion to Dismiss Based on Doctrine of Res Judicata

Posted In Fiduciary Duty, Jurisdiction
Best Drywall Inc. v. Feeheley, C.A. No. 03C-04-005 (Del. Super. Ct. Jan. 6, 2005) The plaintiff brought an action against a former officer for fraud, unjust enrichment, and breach of fiduciary duty. The defendant moved to dismiss based on doctrine of res judicata because a similar case had been brought and dismissed for failure to prosecute in the Court of Chancery. The Superior Court granted the motion to dismiss. More › Share

Corporation Seeking Injunction, Declaratory Judgment, Specific Enforcement And Contract Damages Prevails In Court of Chancery On Dismissal Motions

Posted In Breach of Contract, Directors, Injunctions, Jurisdiction
Randall Jacobson and Technology Development Corp. (USA), Ltd. v. Alfred Ronsdorf, C.A. No. 518-N, 2005 WL 29881 (Del. Ch. Jan. 06, 2005),aff'd, 2006 WL 212194 (Del. Ch. Jan 26, 2006) (TABLE). Plaintiff-corporation, its president and major stockholder sought to enjoin defendant, a purported stockholder and former officer from acting as an officer or pursuing any claim against any officer, shareholder or contractor of the plaintiff company. Plaintiff also pursued a declaratory judgment that defendant was not an officer or director of the plaintiff under 8 Del. C. §225 and further sought to specifically enforce a stock-transfer agreement with defendant. Defendant sought to dismiss for lack of personal and subject matter jurisdictions and for forum non conveniens. More › Share
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