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Showing 203 posts in Derivative Claims.

Court Of Chancery Closes The Door Left Open By Pyott And Applies Preclusion To Derivative Suit

Posted In Derivative Claims

In re Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Delaware Derivative Litigation, C.A. 7455-CB (May 13, 2016)

Delaware does hold that the dismissal of a derivative suit in another jurisdiction may preclude the prosecution of a similar derivative suit in Delaware. However, the Pyott decision left open the question of whether the failure of the plaintiff in the dismissed suit to have first sought production of the company’s records to strengthen the complaint might be deemed so “grossly deficient” as to warrant denying preclusion of the second suit that did seek those records. This decision answers that question by holding that the failure to seek corporate records alone is not so bad that preclusion should be denied. An appeal is sure to follow.


Court Of Chancery Denies Second Chance To New Derivative Plaintiff

Posted In Derivative Claims

Binning v. Gursahaney, C.A. 10586-VCMR (May 6, 2016)

This decision illustrates the importance of putting your best foot forward in derivative litigation. Here, a different plaintiff had his complaint dismissed for failure to satisfy the demand excused rules. When this plaintiff tried to overcome that precedent with some additional allegations, he found the going too tough even if the Court did not apply stare decisis. The Court of Chancery is usually very consistent in its analysis even where different judges are involved in different but related matters. Hence, when multiple suits are filed over the same alleged grievance, attacking the weakest complaint may bear extra dividends.


Court Of Chancery Dismisses Derivative Complaint for Want Of Factual Support

Posted In Derivative Claims

The Joseph Penar Family Trust v. Adams, C.A. 10441-VCG (April 28, 2016)

This is an interesting decision because it illustrates what many do not understand - a complaint has to have some actual facts to support its claims, not just inferences.  Thus, when a plaintiff fails to use his rights to inspect an entity’s records to get out the facts, his general allegations of wrongdoing will not be enough to sustain a complaint.


Court Of Chancery Explains Demand Refused Rules

Posted In Derivative Claims

Friedman v. Maffei, C.A. 11105-VCMR (April 13, 2016)

This initial formal decision by the recently-appointed Vice Chancellor shows her firm commitment to the tradition of the Court of Chancery to produce well-written, scholarly opinions. Here the decision explains that after making a demand on a board to file suit and having that demand refused, a plaintiff must do more than plead the Board was wrong to deny the demand. Instead, the complaint must plead a factual basis for the Court to find the Board’s investigation was unreasonable or the Board acted in bad faith. While there are several ways to do just that, just arguing the board’s decision was bad is not one of those ways.


Court Of Chancery Applies Demand Rules To Amended Complaint

Posted In Derivative Claims

Fotta v. Morgan, C.A. 8230-VCG (February 29, 2016)

In general, an amended derivative complaint does not need to show that demand is excused if it was excused for the filing of the initial complaint. However, as this decision points out, when the amended complaint alleges an independent, new derivative claim that fails to meet the “claims already in litigation” standard (which refers broadly to the acts and transactions in the original complaint), then the right to assert that new claim must be established by showing that demand was excused.


Court Of Chancery Applies Demand Analysis To Changed Board

Posted In Derivative Claims

Sandys v. Pincus, C.A. 9512-CB (February 29, 2016)

This is an interesting decision because it applies the demand rules in a derivative case to an odd situation — when some but not all of the board members have changed between when the challenged conduct occurred and when the complaint was filed. The Court held that the demand rules need to be applied to the board in place when the complaint was filed. The changes in the board’s composition made it necessary for the analysis to consider the relationships of new to old board members, particularly as to the independence of the new members. The decision also is a good source for the facts that determine independence. Such facts as common board memberships or how the stock exchange rules apply do not show a lack of independence in themselves.


Court Of Chancery Applies Entire Fairness To Controller Contract

Posted In Derivative Claims

In Re EZCORP Inc. Consulting Agreement Derivative Litigation,  C.A. 9962-VCL (January 25, 2016)

This is an important and useful decision for at least two reasons. First, the Court carefully analyzes past Delaware precedent to conclude that the entire fairness test applies not just to squeeze-out mergers, but also to other transactions where a controller obtains non-ratable benefits, such as contracts with an entity owned by a controller of the company. This is important because prior case law was inconsistent on the test it applied to such contracts.

Second, the opinion has an exhaustive review of Delaware law on how to determine if a director is interested for purposes of the demand futility standard to bring a derivative suit.


Court Of Chancery Requires Dismissal With Prejudice Of Withdrawn Derivative Suit

Posted In Derivative Claims

In Re Ezcorp Inc. Consulting Agreement Derivative Litigation, C.A. 9962-VCL (January 15, 2016)

When, after full briefing, the plaintiff decides that he cannot meet the heightened pleading rules of the recent Cornerstone case, may he just walk away without prejudice to his right to sue again later or must the suit be dismissed with prejudice not just to him but to all stockholders? More ›


Court Of Chancery Rejects Settlement Because Of Named Plaintiff Conflict

Posted In Derivative Claims

Smollar v. Potarazu, C.A. No. 10287-VCN (January 14, 2016)

This decision points out the hazard in providing a separate benefit to the named plaintiff in connection with the settlement of a derivative suit. In short, that is a bad idea and, as in this case, may cause the Court to reject even an otherwise good settlement because of concerns over the conflict of interest when the plaintiff may have agreed to a deal for his own benefit.


District Court Explains Caremark Proof Requirements In Pleading

Posted In Derivative Claims

In Re Chemed Corporation Shareholder Derivative Litigation,  No. 13-1854-LPS-CJB (December 23, 2015)

To meet the pleading requirements to state a Caremark claim it is necessary that you show either the board ignored signs of wrongdoing or at least took no steps to prevent such wrongdoing. This decision contains an excellent review of when a court will attribute knowledge of wrongdoing to a board of directors in the absence of direct proof the board was aware of those bad acts.


District Court Explains When Suit Is Direct Or Derivative In The Alternative Entity Context

Posted In Derivative Claims

Gimaex Holding Inc. v. Spartan Motors USA Inc., No. 15-CV-00515-RGA (December 22, 2015)

Whether a claim is direct or derivative often determines if it will survive a motion to dismiss. Who would get the benefit of a recovery is one test applied to make that decision. But in the context of a partnership, that test has some weaknesses considering the wrongdoer will benefit from the recovery as a partner if the claim is cast as derivative. More ›


Delaware Supreme Court Explains How To Do The Director Interest Test

Posted In Derivative Claims

Delaware Country Employees Retirement Fund v. Sanchez, No. 702, 2014 (October 2, 2015)

Deciding if a director is sufficiently tied to a controller so as to be disqualified from passing on a transaction independently is an important decision because it may determine if a derivative suit meets the demand excuse test. More ›


Court Of Chancery Explains When A Dilution Claim Is Direct

Posted In Derivative Claims

Caspian Select Credit Master Fund Ltd. v. Gohl, C.A. 10244-VCN (September 28, 2015)

It is often said that when a majority stockholder issues more stock to himself at an unfair price that is a direct claim and not derivative. But as this decision points out, that is a little too simplistic. More ›


Court Of Chancery Grants Stay Of Derivative Case

Posted In Derivative Claims

In Re Duke Energy Corporation Coal Ash Derivative Litigation,  C.A. 9682- VCN (August 31, 2015)

A stay of derivative litigation is hard to get even when there is another case pending elsewhere. But when, as here, the other litigation may expose the company to significant liability, a stay of the derivative action against the directors is easier to win in order to avoid the problems of simultaneously litigating both proceedings.

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