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Showing 94 posts in Arbitration.

Federal Court Enforces Foreign Arbitral Award Without Permitting Counterclaim

Posted In Arbitration
China Three Gorges Project Corp. v. Rotec Industries, Inc., No. Civ. A. 04-1510 JJF, 2005 WL 1813025 (D.Del. Aug. 2, 2005). This action involves a Petition to Confirm a Foreign Arbitral Award filed by Petitioner China Three Gorges Project Corporation ("China Gorges") and respondent's Motion to Dismiss or in The Alternative, To Modify The Foreign Arbitral Award. The Court granted the petition to confirm the award and denied the respondent's motions. More › Share

Superior Court Grants Defendant's Motion to Dismiss and Finds that Clause in Construction Contract Required Arbitration

Posted In Arbitration, Breach of Contract
Tekmen & Co. v. Southern Builders, Inc., C.A. No. 04C-03-007 RFS, 2005 WL 1249035 (Del. Super. Ct. May 25, 2005). The defendant contracted to build a hotel on the plaintiff's property. Following completion of the structure, the defendant had to return on numerous occasions to repair leaks. Eventually, the plaintiff filed a complaint, arguing that it was entitled to compensatory and punitive damages for breach of contract, negligence, and breach of warranty. The defendant moved to dismiss, claiming that under the terms of the contract all disputes must first be submitted to the architect and any remaining claims must be heard in binding arbitration. The court granted the defendant's motion to dismiss. More › Share

Court of Chancery Enforces Arbitration Clause of LLC Agreement Because Claims "Arose Under" the Agreement

Posted In Arbitration

CAPROC Manager, Inc. v. The Policemen's & Firemen's Retirement System of the City of Pontiac, 2005 WL 937613 (Del. Ch. April 18, 2005). This case stemmed from a dispute between shareholders of the Delaware limited liability company, CAPROC LLC, which is governed by a Limited Liability Company Agreement. Defendants sought to remove CAPROC Manager as the Managing Shareholder of CAPROC and purport to have done so by a majority shareholder vote. In response to Defendants' actions, CAPROC Manager and CAPROC brought this suit for, among other things, entry of a status quo order and a declaration under 6 Del. C. - 18-110 that CAPROC Manager remain the Managing Shareholder of CAPROC. The court granted Defendants motion to dismiss in favor of arbitration because Plaintiffs' claims were subject to arbitration under the LLC Agreement. More ›


Court of Chancery Holds Limitation Act In 10 Del. C. 8111 And Not 8106 Applies For "Other [Work] Benefits"

Posted In Arbitration, Breach of Contract, Injunctions
Little Switzerland, Inc. v. Patrick J. Hopper, C.A. No. 590 (Del. Ch. Jan. 24, 2005)(published at 867 A.2d 955). This case involved a request for an injunction filed by the employer-corporation seeking to stop an arbitration of a contractual claim by a plaintiff-employee. The employee sought significant payments under a Change in Control transaction that allegedly triggered a clause vesting the right to payment in the employee. The court held the claim was time-barred under 10 Del. C. §8111 and not 10 Del. C. §8106. More › Share
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