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Showing 59 posts from 2024.

Chancery Strikes Unclean Hands Defense Lacking Sufficient Nexus to the Claims

Pilot Corp. v. Abel, C.A. No. 2023-0813-MTZ (Del. Ch. Dec. 13, 2023)
Here, the plaintiff claimed that the adoption of pushdown accounting constituted a change to accounting rights that triggered a right to consent under the relevant operating agreement. The defendants asserted that the plaintiff had unclean hands because the plaintiff had manipulated earnings to alter valuation of a put right. The Court found the unclean hands defense inapplicable because the plaintiff’s claims were narrow and did not have an immediate direct relation the defense.


Chancery Declines to Shift Costs to Derivative Plaintiffs

In re Oracle Corp. Deriv. Litig., C.A. No. 2017-0337-SG (Del. Ch. Dec. 28, 2023)
By rule, the prevailing party in Court of Chancery litigation is entitled to shift costs to the losing party, subject to the Court’s discretion. Here, in an unordinary derivative action, the Court declined to shift the costs of the prevailing individual defendants to the derivative plaintiffs. The plaintiffs had overcome a motion to dismiss, which led to the appointment of a special litigation committee by the company’s board. While the special committee had the power to seek dismissal, the committee determined that the derivative plaintiffs should be allowed to prosecute the claims on the company’s behalf. The plaintiffs ultimately lost after trial. As a result, the individual defendants were entitled to indemnification by the company, including for costs. The Court cited these circumstances as grounds for invoking equity to decline shifting costs via rule to the derivative plaintiffs.


Plaintiffs Adequately Pled Unjust Enrichment for Materially Deficient Disclosures

Buttonwood Tree Value Partners, L.P. v. R.L. Polk & Co. Inc., C.A. No. 9250-VCG (Del. Ch. Dec. 29, 2023)
To state a claim for unjust enrichment, a plaintiff must adequately plead: (1) an enrichment; (2) an impoverishment; (3) a relation between the enrichment and impoverishment; and (4) the absence of a justification. In this Court of Chancery action, the plaintiffs claimed that the defendants were unjustly enriched because the plaintiffs were induced to tender their shares for inadequate compensation as a result of materially misleading disclosures. In response, the defendants argued that the relationship between the company’s self-tender and the benefits that the defendants received from subsequent special dividends and the sale of the company were too attenuated to plead that defendants were aware of these future developments. The Court held, however, that the plaintiffs had adequately pled their claims for unjust enrichment because defendants allegedly knew the true sale value of the company and defendants caused the company to make materially deficient disclosures to increase the defendants’ equity.


Chancery Dismisses Double-Derivative Claims for Failure To Plead Demand Futility

City of Hialeah Emps. Ret. Sys. v. Insight Venture Partners, C.A. No. 2022-0846-MTZ (Del. Ch. Dec. 28, 2023)
A venture capital fund invested in two different entities. One of the entities then acquired the other. In the two months following the deal announcement, the acquirer’s stock fell by thirty percent, as markets remained relatively flat. The plaintiff brought six double-derivative claims, alleging that the acquirer’s directors had breached their fiduciary duty by overpaying for the target, and that the venture capital fund was the acquirer’s de facto controller and had benefitted itself via the acquisition at the acquirer’s expense. More ›


Applying New Rule 23.1, Chancery Establishes Leadership Structure in Fox Derivative Litigation

In re Fox Corp. Deriv. Litig., C.A. 2023-0418-JTL (Del. Ch. Dec. 29, 2023).
The newly amended Court of Chancery Rule 23.1 identifies factors for a court to consider when resolving a litigation leadership dispute. In this case, which is the first decision to apply the amended Rule, the Court of Chancery carefully balanced those factors and identified the lead plaintiff and the lead counsel. More ›


Chancery Denies Application for Preliminary Injunction After Finding Restrictive Covenants Arose from Breach of Fiduciary Duty and Were Facially Unreasonable

Sunder Energy, LLC v. Jackson, C.A. No. 2023-0988-JTL (Del. Ch. Nov. 22, 2023)
The head of sales for a company that sold residential solar power systems nationwide resigned from his position after signing an independent contractor agreement with a corporate competitor. His former employer—headquartered in Utah and incorporated in Delaware—filed an action in Delaware seeking injunctive relief and enforcement of the restrictive covenants in its limited liability company agreement. More ›


Chancery Finds Defendants Were Bound by Voting Agreement to Follow Board’s Recommendation

Texas Pacific Land Corp. v. Horizon Kinetics LLC, C.A. No. 2022-1066-JTL (Del. Ch. Dec. 1, 2023)
In this post-trial opinion, the plaintiffs argued that a voting agreement required that the defendants follow the board’s recommendation regarding a charter amendment to increase the corporation’s authorized shares. In opposition, the defendants argued that exceptions to the voting agreement allowed them to vote against the proposal, despite the board’s recommendation, if it related to a merger, acquisition, recapitalization, or other corporate transaction requiring a stockholder vote. The Court of Chancery found that portions of the voting agreement were ambiguous, and after considering certain course of performance extrinsic evidence, concluded that the defendants were required to follow the board’s recommendation because the defendants failed to show that the proposal fell under a contractual exception. As a remedy, the Court deemed the shares as voted in support of the proposal under the Court’s equitable power to treat as done that which in good conscious ought to be done. Notably, in reaching its conclusion, the Court enforced a clause in the agreement that excluded the consideration of the parties’ drafting history.


Chancery Denies Request for Mandatory Preliminary Injunction to Waive Advance Notice Bylaw and Permit Director Nominees to Stand for Election

Paragon Tech., Inc. v. Cryan, C.A. 2023-1013-LWW (Del. Ch. Nov. 30, 2023).
In Delaware, a preliminary injunction is granted “sparingly and only upon a persuasive showing that it is urgently necessary, that it will result in comparatively less harm to the adverse party, and that, in the end, it is unlikely to be shown to have been issued improvidently.” A party seeking a mandatory injunction must also show entitlement to the relief it seeks as a matter of law based on undisputed facts – akin to a summary judgment standard. In this case, “with some trepidation[,]” the Court of Chancery denied a request for preliminary mandatory injunctive relief due to factual disputes concerning whether a stockholder plaintiff complied with advance notice bylaws requiring disclosure of plans to change the corporation’s business and potential conflicts of interest.   More ›


Chancery Finds Wholly Generic Objections to Discovery Requests Result in Waiver and Fee-Shifting

Bocock v. Innovate Corp., C.A. No. 2021-0224-PAF (Del. Ch. Dec. 6, 2023)
In this recent letter opinion, Vice Chancellor Fioravanti considered whether the plaintiffs’ failure to provide specific objections to discovery requests in a timely manner resulted in the waiver of those objections. More ›


Chancery Finds that Non-Settling Defendants Waived their Right to Seek a Settlement Credit Under DUCATA

In re Mindbody Inc. S’holder Litig., Consol. C.A. 2019-0442-KSJM (Del. Ch. Nov 15, 2023)
The Delaware Uniform Contribution Among Tortfeasors Act (“DUCATA”) establishes the legal framework applicable when plaintiffs release only some joint tortfeasors through settlement. DUCATA creates a right of contribution among joint tortfeasors and specifies that an ultimate damages award against non-settling defendants can be reduced by amounts received in settlement from other joint tortfeasors. In this fiduciary duty action challenging the fairness of a merger, the Court ruled that, despite a settlement of claims against certain defendants, the non-settling defendants waived their right to seek a damages reduction. More ›


Chancery Evaluates Supplemental Disclosures to Determine the Corporate Benefit and Awards Plaintiffs a Proportional Fee

Allen v. Harvey, C.A. No. 2022-0248-MTZ (Del. Ch. Oct. 30, 2023)
Delaware cases provide guidance on the standard for evaluating the “corporate benefit” from supplemental disclosures in advance of a stockholder vote – and the fees that should be awarded to plaintiffs for prompting such disclosures. This case involved supplemental disclosures of potential sources of conflicts held by a special committee’s chair and advisors in advance of a merger vote. The Court held that such disclosures were not extraordinary, but they still warranted a proportional fee award. More ›


Delaware Supreme Court Affirms Busted-Deal Decision and Attorneys’ Fees for Contingency Fee Based Representation

Energy Transfer LP v. The Williams Companies, Inc., No. 391, 2022 (Del. Oct. 10, 2023)
Busted-deal litigation is commonplace in Delaware and often requires Delaware courts to interpret provisions in merger agreements obligating parties to work towards closing and granting one party or the other fees in the event of a breach and failed deal, e.g., break-up fees or reimbursement fees. Here, in a decade-long busted deal suit, the Court of Chancery had found that the plaintiff had fulfilled its contractual obligations and the defendant, therefore, was not entitled to a break-up fee that would have exceeded $1.5 billion. The trial court also found that the defendant owed the plaintiffs approximately $410 million in reimbursement fees and $85 million in attorneys' fees under the merger agreement. On appeal, the Delaware Supreme Court affirmed each finding, examining the at-issue provisions and the trial court's determinations. Notably, on the attorneys' fees issue, the Supreme Court agreed with the trial court that the contingency fee nature of the plaintiff's representation did not warrant a finding of unreasonableness. While most decisions addressing the reasonableness of contractual fee awards have dealt with hourly fee representations, the Court found nothing inherently unreasonable about enforcing a contractual fee-shifting arrangement to cover a contingent fee award.


Chancery Largely Denies Books-and-Records Inspection Exploring Dividend Potential

Greenlight Capital Offshore Partners, LTD., v. Brighthouse Financial Inc., C.A. No. 2022-1067-LWW (Del. Ch. Nov. 20, 2023)
Valuation is a well-established proper purpose to inspect corporate books and records. While each case turns on its own facts, in general the availability of public information to satisfy a valuation demand will result in a relatively narrow court-ordered inspection. Here, the plaintiff conceded the availability of public information for valuation purposes, but sought more to help it speculate regarding the company’s dividend potential, after recent extraordinary dividends at the subsidiary level caused the stock price to jump. While dividend capacity may be relevant to valuation, the Court of Chancery largely denied the inspection, finding the requested information too removed from the company’s current value and thus not necessary and essential to the plaintiff’s valuation purpose.


Chancery Awards Mootness Fee Applying Recently Adopted Standard

Assad v. Botha, et al., C.A. No. 2022-0691-LWW (Del. Ch. Oct. 30, 2023)
Here, Vice Chancellor Will awarded a $100,000 mootness fee for “material—and unremarkable—disclosures” following the recently heightened mootness fee standard announced in Anderson v. Magellan Health, Inc. (analyzed here), authored by Chancellor McCormick.  Magellan announced that the Court would award mootness fees for supplemental disclosure only where such disclosures are “material,” not merely “helpful,” and such fees, if awarded, may be lower than those awarded historically. This opinion represents one of the first decisions applying Magellan, and awarded $100,000 where plaintiffs sought $850,000. 


Chancery Holds that LLC Agreement Did Not Confer Jurisdiction Over Contract and Tort Claims

Ramco Asset Mgmt. LLC v. USA Rare Earth, LLC, C.A. No. 2022-0665-SG (Del. Ch. Oct. 20, 2023)
Plaintiffs brought claims alleging improper dilution of their equity interests when transferring their holdings in an Australian rare-earth mining company to a Delaware limited liability company. Their claims included breach of fiduciary duty, fraud, breach of contract, and conspiracy. All five defendants moved to dismiss for failure to state a claim and on forum non conveniens grounds, and four of the five moved to dismiss for lack of personal jurisdiction. More ›

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