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Showing 159 posts from 2005.

Federal Court Dismisses Consumer Fraud And Punitive Damages Claims In Diversity Suit Under Arizona Law

J-Squared Technologies, Inc. v. Motorola, Inc., 364 F.Supp.2d 449 (D.Del. Apr. 13, 2005). Plaintiff brought this suit alleging: (1) breach of contract; (2) promissory estoppel; (3) negligent misrepresentation; (4) breach of the duty of good faith and fair dealing; and (5) violation of Arizona's Consumer Fraud Act. Plaintiff sought compensatory and punitive damages. The defendant moved to transfer the action to the District of Arizona or alternatively dismiss the case under Fed.R.Civ.P. 9(b) and 12(b)(6). The Court denied the motion in part and granted it in part with respect to the Arizona Consumer Fraud Act and punitive damages claim. The Court declined to dismiss the negligent misrepresentation and estoppel claims. More › Share

Court of Chancery Decides Atypical Appraisal Proceeding in Which Parties had Stipulated to All But One Asset of Merging Company

Posted In Appraisal, M&A
Finkelstein v. Liberty Digital, Inc., 2005 WL 1074364 (Del. Ch. April 25, 2005). This appraisal case involved the fair value of shares of a company, Liberty Digital, Inc., that was merged with an acquisition subsidiary of Liberty Media Corporation and survived the merger as a wholly owned subsidiary of Liberty Media. What was atypical about this appraisal case was that the parties were able to stipulate to the value of all but one of Liberty Digital's assets. More › Share

Court of Chancery Finds Change of Control Payments are Reasonable if a Majority of a Board of Directors Ceased to be "Existing Directors"

Posted In Directors

California Public Employees' Retirement System v. Coulter, 2005 WL 1074354 (Del. Ch. April 21, 2005). Defendant Lone Star Steakhouse & Saloon, Inc. agreed to make change of control payments to certain employees if a majority of its board of directors ceased to be "Existing Directors." "Existing Directors" were those directors in office at the time of the change of control agreements and those new directors who were approved by Existing Directors. The views of new directors who were not approved as Existing Directors would not be considered in determining whether subsequent new directors would be considered Existing Directors. The question is whether such a provision contravenes the teachings of Carmody v. Toll Brothers, Inc., 723 A.2d 1180 (Del. Ch.1998), which concluded that directors may not be granted distinctive voting powers unless they are authorized by the certificate of incorporation, something Lone Star's certificate of incorporation does not do. More ›


Court of Chancery Enforces Arbitration Clause of LLC Agreement Because Claims "Arose Under" the Agreement

Posted In Arbitration

CAPROC Manager, Inc. v. The Policemen's & Firemen's Retirement System of the City of Pontiac, 2005 WL 937613 (Del. Ch. April 18, 2005). This case stemmed from a dispute between shareholders of the Delaware limited liability company, CAPROC LLC, which is governed by a Limited Liability Company Agreement. Defendants sought to remove CAPROC Manager as the Managing Shareholder of CAPROC and purport to have done so by a majority shareholder vote. In response to Defendants' actions, CAPROC Manager and CAPROC brought this suit for, among other things, entry of a status quo order and a declaration under 6 Del. C. - 18-110 that CAPROC Manager remain the Managing Shareholder of CAPROC. The court granted Defendants motion to dismiss in favor of arbitration because Plaintiffs' claims were subject to arbitration under the LLC Agreement. More ›


Federal Court Examines Admissibility of Various Evidences In Trans-Atlantic Chrysler Merger

Posted In Discovery
Tracinda Corp. v. DaimlerChrysler AG, 362 F.Supp.2d 487 (D.Del. 2005). Tracinda Corporation ("Tracinda"), a Nevada entity with its principal place of business in California, was engaged in investing in companies and at the time was Chrysler's largest shareholder. Tracinda brought this action against defendants comprising of DaimlerChrysler AG, Daimler-Benz AG ("Daimler"), Jurgen Schrempp and Manfred Gentz, (collectively "Defendants") who were citizens of Germany alleging: (1) violations of securities laws; (2) common law fraud; and (3) conspiracy in connection with the 1998 merger between Chrysler Corporation ("Chrysler") and Daimler-Benz AG ("Daimler-Benz"). In this Memorandum Opinion, the Court examined a number of evidentiary objections brought by both parties. The objections included: expert opinion testimony, statements made by the CEO of the German manufacturer that were published in a newspaper, investment banker documents discussing business combination scenarios between the merger parties, third-party research reports, meeting notes on the merger, failure to include charts and privileged attorney-client matters. More › Share

Court of Chancery Finds Misappropriation of Trade Secrets and Awards Attorneys' Fees for Defendants' Willful and Malicious Misappropriation

Posted In Business Torts

NuCar Consulting, Inc. v. Doyle, 2005 WL 820706 (Del. Ch. April 5, 2005). Plaintiff NuCar Consulting, Inc., claimed that Defendants, former employee Timothy Doyle and Doyle's newly created company, Dealer Rewards, Inc., misappropriated certain of NuCar's trade secrets. NuCar requested that the court determine whether Defendants misappropriated NuCar's trade secrets under the Delaware Uniform Trade Secrets Act and the extent to which NuCar should receive monetary damages or injunctive relief for the alleged misappropriation. NuCar also sought an award of attorney's fees pursuant to 6 Del. C. - 2004 for Defendants' allegedly willful and malicious misappropriation. The Court granted NuCar's request for a permanent injunction prohibiting Defendants' further use of the contract used for automotive deals and found Defendants liable for $69,750 in unjust enrichment damages for their misappropriation of the potential client list. Finally, the Court found that Defendants' misappropriation was willful and malicious and awarded NuCar its reasonable attorney's fees expended on its misappropriation of trade secrets claims. More ›


Court of Chancery Dismisses Wal-Mart's Claims Regarding Corporate-Owned Life Insurance Policies

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. v. AIG Life Ins. Co., 872 A.2d 611 (Del. Ch. 2005). Wal-Mart brought suit against all the parties involved in its purchase of corporate-owned life insurance ("COLI") policies. Its complaint alleged a broad range of legal and equitable claims against the insurance brokers and providers, all seeking to recover from them the losses it incurred in connection with this risky tax avoidance scheme. On consolidated motions to dismiss brought by the insurers and brokers, the court concluded that the retailer failed to state a claim upon which relief could be granted. The court, therefore, granted the defendants' motions to dismiss. More › Share

Court of Chancery Applies Internal Affairs Doctrine to Stockholder Vote on Merger

Posted In M&A
Examen, Inc. v. VantagePoint Venture Partners 1996, 873 A.2d 318 (Del. Ch. 2005). The plaintiff, a Delaware corporation, sought a judicial declaration that Delaware law governed a stockholder vote on a pending merger because if the vote was governed by Delaware law, common stockholders and preferred stockholders would vote on the merger as a single class. The defendant, a large venture capital firm owning 83% of the corporation's preferred stock, argued that California law controlled because if California law were to apply in determining the voting rights of the Delaware corporation's stockholders in connection with the proposed merger, the preferred stockholders would have the right to vote as a separate class, effectively giving the defendant a veto over the merger. The court granted plaintiff's motion for judgment on the pleadings finding that Delaware law applied because this case was governed by the internal affairs doctrine. More › Share

Superior Court Finds that Plaintiff Had Security Interest in Certain Items Formally Owned by Restaurant Owner that Defaulted on Loan, But Not in Fixtures Placed in Restaurant

Wilmington Savings Fund Society v. Chillibilly's, Inc., C.A. No. 03C-11-021 THG, 2005 WL 730060 (Del. Super. Ct. March 30, 2005), aff'd, 886 A.2d 1279 (Del. 2005). Wilmington Savings Fund Society ("WSFS"), the plaintiff, sought replevin of certain collateral it claimed pursuant to a contract it held with Chillibilly's Incorporated ("Chillibilly's") and Joseph Jeffery Stein Corporation ("Stein Corp.") WSFS also alleged fraud, misrepresentation, and various other claims. Essentially, WSFS argued that it was induced into extending a loan to Chillibilly's based on certain misrepresentations by the principal of Stein Corp., Jeffrey Stein. Stein Corp. moved for summary judgment. The Court denied the motion as to replevin of items Stein Corp. had earlier conceded belonged to WSFS pursuant to its security interest. However, the court granted summary judgment as to the other claims. More › Share

In Bench Trial, Superior Court Finds Defendants Did Not Commit Common Law Fraud

Posted In Business Torts
DCV Holdings, Inc. v. ConAgra, Inc., C.A. No. No. 98C-06-301-JEB, 2005 WL 698133 (Del. Super. Ct. March 24, 2005). The Plaintiffs brought an action against ConAgra, Inc. ("ConAgra") and E. I. Du Pont de Nemours and Co. and Du Pont Chemical and Energy Operations, Inc. (collectively "DuPont"). The Plaintiff alleged that the defendants committed common law fraud. In a bench trial, the Superior Court found for the defendants. More › Share

Court of Chancery Dismisses Attorney General's Claims under the Consumer Fraud Act and the Deceptive Trade Practices Act as Being Time Barred, but Sustains Claim under the Health Spa Regulation

State ex rel. Brady v. Pettinaro Enterprises, 870 A.2d 513 (Del. Ch. 2005). Attorney General brought consumer protection action under the Consumer Fraud Act, the Deceptive Trade Practices Act, and the Health Spa Regulation against developer of condominium complex, alleging, among other things, that developer misled condominium purchasers into believing that clubhouse was part of the complex. Developer moved to dismiss action on the basis that the statute of limitations barred the Attorney General's claims and for failure to state a claim under the Deceptive Trade Practices Act. The court granted in part and denied in part Defendants' motion to dismiss. More ›


Court of Chancery Declares Stock Transfer Restrictions are Valid if they are a Reasonable Means to Achieving a Legitimate Corporate Purpose

The Capital Group Companies, Inc. v. Armour, 2005 WL 678564 (Del. Ch. Mar. 15, 2005). A Delaware corporation brought suit against the two trustees of a trust, who are husband and wife, seeking a declaration that certain contractual stock transfer restrictions alleged to apply to shares of its common stock owned by the trust were valid and enforceable. The two defendants were parties to a divorce proceeding and, in connection with that proceeding, the wife claimed an interest in the stock owned by the trust. The issue was whether the stock transfer restrictions could reasonably operate to prevent the transfer to, or disposition in favor of, the wife of any legal or beneficial interest in the stock. More › Share

Federal Court Denies Injunction In Diversity-Based Exclusive Licensing Matter.

Posted In Injunctions
Benitec Australia Ltd. v. Promega Corp., No. Civ. A. 04-889 JJF, 2005 WL 549552 (D.Del. Mar. 8, 2005). The defendant filed a Motion For a Preliminary Injunction seeking to preserve its rights as an exclusive licensee for the duration of the law suit brought by plaintiff against defendant Promega Corporation ("Promega"). The Court denied the injunction. More › Share

Federal Court Orders Supplementation Of Record With Citizenship Status Of LLC Members In Motion To Remand

Posted In Jurisdiction
Shamrock Holdings of California, Inc. v. Arenson, No. Civ. 04-1339-SLR, 2005 WL 400198 (D.Del. Jan. 27, 2005). Plaintiffs commenced an action for declaratory relief pursuant to 10 Del. C. §§ 6501 et seq. (2004) in the Delaware Court of Chancery. The defendants had earlier threatened to sue the plaintiffs for "millions of dollars." The defendants removed the action to the federal court and filed separate motions to dismiss which were stayed under mutual stipulations, pending resolution of plaintiffs Motion to Remand. The Court ordered the defendants to supplement the record with respect to certain corporate members of defendants SELK and Laurel Equity Group, LLC. The Court also admonished the defendants that a failure to timely supplement the record would result in the grant of plaintiffs' Motion to remand. More › Share

Court of Chancery Finds Assignment of Subcontract Ineffective Based on Plain Language of the Agreement

Kier Construction, Ltd. v. Raytheon Co., 2005 WL 628498 (Del. Ch. Mar. 10, 2005). This action arouse out of a construction subcontract between plaintiff, Kier Construction, Ltd. ("Kier"), and a non-party, Raytheon Engineers & Constructors, UK Ltd. ("REC UK"). Kier claimed it was owed over $12 million for work performed under the subcontract. Kier contended that the contract with REC UK was transferred to defendants, Raytheon Company ("Raytheon") as part of a transaction in which Raytheon sold REC UK and other subsidiaries to Morrison Knudsen Corporation. Kier contended that Raytheon, as REC UK's assignee, was directly liable to Kier for the work it performed under the subcontract. More › Share
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