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Does General Release Also Cover Noncompete Agreement?

In determining the proper scope of the general release, the court analyzed both the express contract language and the parties' negotiations. Regarding the express contract language, the court found that the general release was ambiguous, i.e., both parties offered reasonable interpretations. The plaintiffs argued that the general release broadly applied to any "obligation" entered into "in connection with the purchase agreement," which included the noncompete agreement. Under another provision, the plaintiffs argued that the general release relieved them of all future obligations, which would also include obligations under the noncompete agreement. In response, the defendants argued that the only obligations "in connection with the purchase agreement" were the obligations under the purchase agreement. The defendants also argued that the general release applied, by its express terms, to obligations as of the date of the general release. The obligations under the noncompete agreement extended beyond the date of the general release and, therefore, were not extinguished. More ›


Court Of Chancery Declines Stay In LLC Advancement Case

Tulum Management USA LLC v. Casten, C.A. 11321-VCN (November 9, 2015)

A Delaware court will not stay its hand in favor of litigation elsewhere in an advancement or indemnification case absent “exceptional circumstances.”  More ›


Superior Court Explains Continuing Contract Law

Palisades Collection LLC v. Unifund CCR Partners, C.A. N14C-08-036-CCLD (November 3, 2015)

The statute of limitations for a breach of a "continuous contract” does not accrue until the contract is at an end. But what is a ”continuous contract?”  This decision attempts to explain that concept that largely turns on what the parties intended.


Superior Court Explains Interference With Prospective Business Relationship And Good Faith Claim

Posted In Business Torts

World Energy Ventures LLC v. Northwind Gulf Coast LLC, C.A. N15C-03-241 WCC (November 2, 2015)

This decision does an excellent job of setting out the elements of a claim for interference with prospective business relationships. Even better, it is a comprehensive summary of the elements of a claim for breach of the duty to act fairly and in good faith.


U.S. News - Best Lawyers Ranks Eighteen Morris James Practice Areas among 2016 “Best Law Firms” in Delaware

Posted In News

Eighteen Morris James practice areas were recognized in the 2016 “Best Law Firms” rankings by U.S. News – Best Lawyers®. These rankings complement the twenty-one Morris James attorneys who were selected by their peers for inclusion in the “The Best Lawyers in America” 2016 edition.

The practice areas recognized include: More ›


Court Of Chancery Upholds Receiver Claims

Seiden v. Kaneko, C.A. 9861-VCN (November 3, 2015)

This is an interesting decision because it articulates what claims a receiver may make against former officers and when those claims are barred by laches.


Merger Price Is Best Evidence of Fair Value in Appraisal Action

The practice of a hedge fund buying shares in a Delaware corporation upon the announcement of a cash-out merger to then exercise appraisal rights, sometimes referred to as “appraisal arbitrage,” has generated controversy. Some argue that this practice is inconsistent with the appraisal remedy that should be available only to allow long-term shareholders who disagree with the cash-out price to have the Delaware Court of Chancery determine the fair value of their shares. Others argue, and the Delaware courts have agreed, that the appraisal statute permits the appraisal remedy to those who hold the shares on the merger date, even if, like the petitioners in this case, they (1) became owners only after the announcement of a merger solely to exercise appraisal rights and (2) could not demonstrate that the shares they purchased had not been voted in favor of the merger. More ›


Superior Court Upholds Duty To Negotiate

The Data Centers LLC v. 1743 Holdings LLC, C.A. N15C-02-041-EMD CCLD (October 27, 2015)

This interesting decision upholds a claim based on the alleged duty to negotiate a contract in good faith.  This confirms the need to be careful in wording letters of intent or you may be obligated for more than you were willing  to give.


Superior Court Interprets Jury Waiver

The Data Centers LLC v. 1743 Holdings LLC, C.A. N15C-02-042-EMD CCLD (October 27, 2015)

When is a waiver of a jury trial effective?  This is not always an easy question as some claims may be outside the scope of the waiver. This decision provides good guidance on how to decide how far the waiver reaches.


Court Of Chancery Explains Jurisdiction For Veil-Piercing

Posted In Jurisdiction

Doberstein v G-P Industries Inc., C.A. 9995-VCP (October 30, 2015)

This is an interesting decision for its discussion on what must be pled to obtain Chancery jurisdiction in a claim seeking to pierce the corporate veil. It is not enough to just allege the entity was used to defraud. Rather, the complaint must meet the more exacting standards set out in this opinion.


Court Of Chancery Calculates The Length Of An Injunction Against Unfair Competition

Revolution Retail Systems LLC v. Sentinel Technologies Inc., C.A. 10605-VCP (October 30, 2015)

How long should competition in violation of an agreement be enjoined? Normally, that would depend on what the agreement says. But when that is not set out by the parties’ contract, this decision explains how to determine the time during which the unfair competition will be enjoined.


Court of Chancery Applies Business Judgment Standard Under New Supreme Court Precedent

Posted In M&A

In re Zale Corporation Stockholders Litigation, C.A. 9388-VCP (October 29, 2015)

This is an important decision that reverses a prior opinion in the same case. The Court did so because after it issued its prior opinion, the Delaware Supreme Court issued its Corwin decision holding that when a merger is approved by a disinterested Board and a majority of the fully informed stockholders, the business judgment standard of review applies. This Court concluded that under that standard, the Board’s actions were not grossly negligent.


Court Of Chancery Applies Wal-Mart Decision

Posted In Discovery

Kops v. The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation, C.A. 10102-VCG (Transcript, July 16, 2015)

This recently released transcript has a good explanation of how to apply the Garner/Wal-Mart principles governing when stockholders may get discovery of documents otherwise subject to the attorney-client privilege. The multiple facts involved, particularly in a Section 220 case, tend to permit such discovery when the issue is whether demand is excused to file a derivative suit. More ›


Morris James Receives Christopher W. White 2015 Distinguished Access to Justice Leadership Award

Posted In News

Morris James LLP was presented the Leadership Award at the Delaware State Bar Association’s Christopher W. White 2015 Distinguished Access to Justice Awards Breakfast on October 29th, 2015. The Leadership Award is given to the firm who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in the field of pro bono service to the impoverished in Delaware, and who fosters a culture which recognizes the value of Access to Justice service.  More ›


Court Of Chancery Accepts Merger Price In Appraisal Action

Posted In Appraisal

Merion Capital LP v. BMC Software Inc., C.A. 8900-VCG (October 21, 2015)

This decision illustrates the dangers of appraisal arbitration. More ›

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