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Court Of Chancery Explains Fees For Counterclaim Law

Pontone v. Milso Industries Corporation, C.A. 7615-VCP (May 29, 2014)

This decision explains two aspects of advancement law that may be troubling to some.  First, it explains when fees may be recovered for asserting a counterclaim.  In general, the rule is that fees may be won for a compulsory counterclaim that may also diminish the recovery of the original plaintiff. Second, the opinion explains again how to treat the difficulty in assessing how much may be recovered in an advancement suit when the underlying litigation is on-going, including the fees-for-fees and interest issues.


Court Of Chancery Construes Ambiguous Voting Agreement

In re Westech Capital Corp., C.A. 8845-VCN (May 29, 2014)

This is an example of what happens when a stockholders agreement is badly drafted and the Court has to try to construe what it means.  The opinion is interesting for the Court's method of analysis, using drafting history, presumptions found in corporate law and other interpretive aids.


Court Of Chancery Invalidates Consent For Inadequate Disclosures

Flaa v. Montano, C.A. 9146-VCG (May 29, 2014)

In soliciting consent there is a duty to be truthful and to disclose the material facts.  Here, the Court invalidated a written consent for want of full disclosure over how the consent was obtained.   The decision also has an interesting discussion of what constitutes impermissible vote-buying


Court Of Chancery Explains De Facto Director Status

Posted In Directors

Bishop Macram Max Gassis v. Corkery, C.A. 8868-VCG (May 28, 2014)

This interesting decision explains the status of a de facto director and what that means in terms of the validity of actions taken by such directors.  In general, their actions are valid.   The decision is also another illustration of the duties owed by a board of a charity to its beneficiaries.


Supreme Court Voids Verdict After Juror Internet Search

Baird v Owczarek, No. 504,  2013 (May 28, 2014)

A jury verdict tainted by a juror's internet search may be set aside due to the "egregious circumstance" that misconduct presents.


Supreme Court Explains Ripeness Doctrine

XL Specialty Insurance Company v. WMI Liquidating Trust, No. 449,2013 (May 28, 2014)

When is a declaratory judgment case sufficiently ripe that it may be decided?  This is a difficult area of the law and this decision provides guidance.  At least when the action seeks a declaration of insurance coverage, there probably needs to be an underlying litigation on file before there can be a declaration of coverage for that litigation.


Morris James Receives Top Legal Rankings in Chambers USA 2014

Posted In News
Morris James LLP is pleased to announce that thirteen attorneys in five separate practice areas have been top ranked among the leading Delaware lawyers in the 2014 edition of Chambers USA: America's Leading Lawyers for BusinessChambers also ranked four of its practice areas as among the top practices in Delaware including Bankruptcy/Restructuring, Chancery, Intellectual Property and Labor & Employment. Read more. Share

Morris James Receives Top Legal Rankings in Chambers USA 2014

Posted In News

Thirteen Lawyers and Four Practices Recognized as Top-Tier in Delaware

Morris James LLP is pleased to announce that thirteen attorneys in five separate practice areas have been top ranked among the leading Delaware lawyers in the 2014 edition of Chambers USA: America's Leading Lawyers for Business.  Chambers also ranked four of its practice areas as among the top practices in Delaware including Bankruptcy/Restructuring, Chancery, Intellectual Property and Labor & Employment.  Read more.


Court Of Chancery Grapples With Synergy Issue

Posted In Appraisal

Huff Fund Investment Partnership v. CKx Inc., C.A. 6844-VCG (May 19, 2014)

Under Delaware appraisal law, the fair value to be awarded to a stockholder does not include any "synergies" achieved by the merger itself.  What is a "synergy?"  An easy example is when the combined companies may realize some economy of scale because of their combination.  After all, but for that combination, the stockholders in the pre-merged companies would not have been able to obtain that benefit.  The question gets cloudier, however, when considering some post-merger plans the acquirer implements that improve operations. Is it a "synergy" when the old company might have done the same improvement on its own had it thought of it?   This decision grapples with that question. It suggests that the answer lies in whether any post-merger improvement was "on the table" at the time of the merger and was not a new idea thought up only by the acquirer.


Court Of Chancery Explains When A Complaint Asserts A Class Claim

Posted In Class Actions

Allen v. El Paso Pipeline GP Company LLC, C.A. 7520-VCL (May 19, 2014)

This is an excellent explanation of when a clam is a "direct" claim that may be asserted by a class and not a derivative claim.  When the plaintiff's rights, such as the right to have a transaction approved in a certain way, are affected, then her claim is a direct one.  Numerous examples are given as well.


Will Delaware Still Take Your Case?

Authored by Edward M. McNally
This article was originally published in the Delaware Business Court Insider | May 14, 2014  

Plaintiffs lawyers are questioning whether their cases will be heard by Delaware's courts. That concern is fueled by the Delaware Supreme Court affirmance of a trial court's dismissal of a case against DuPont Co., the ultimate Delaware corporation, on forum non conveniens grounds, in Martinez v. E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., 86 A.3d 1102 (Del. 2014). For if Delaware will reject a case as too inconvenient for a defendant like DuPont, whose headquarters is just four blocks from the courthouse, might not any defendant also have a case against it thrown out for the same reason? Of course, that is a too-broad reading of the Martinez case. Moreover, on April 28, the Court of Chancery sent a strong signal that the Delaware courts remain open to all, even foreign, plaintiffs. More ›


Court Of Chancery Lifts Stay

In re Molycorp Inc. Shareholder Derivative Litigation, C.A. 7282-VCN (May 12, 2014)

This decision clearly explains when a derivative suit should be stayed in favor of securities litigation elsewhere. The general rule is that when the derivative suit depends on the outcome of the securities litigation because it seeks recovery of the damages to be paid for a securities law violation, the derivative suit should be stayed.  Of course, when the derivative suit is not dependent on the securities litigation outcome, the stay should be lifted.


Court Of Chancery Uses DCCF In Appraisal Case

Posted In Appraisal

Laidler v. Hesco Bastion Environmental Inc., C.A. 7561-VCG (May 12, 2014)

This decision used the direct capitalization of cash flow method of valuing a closely held company with somewhat erratic cash flows. That is slightly different than the usual DCF method and this decision has a good explanation of how the proof convinces the Court to make various adjustments.


Delaware Supreme Court Upholds Fee Shifting Bylaw

ATP Tour, Inc. v. Deutscher Tennis Bund, No. 534, 2013 (May 8, 2014)

This decision upholds a bylaw that requires the payment of attorneys' fees by a plaintiff stockholder or member in a non-stock corporation who sues a corporation or its directors and loses. The decision is limited to just the bare legal question presented and is careful to note that a bylaw adopted for an inequitable purpose may still be declared invalid. Nonetheless, it is not hard to predict that a host of similar bylaws will now be adopted by Delaware corporations. This decision is another in the line of decisions upholding bylaws that affect litigation, such as the forum selection bylaw also just upheld. How far this will go remains to be seen.


Court Of Chancery Explains Willie Gary

Posted In Arbitration

Riley v. Brocade Communications System Inc., C.A. 9486-VCN (May 6, 2014)

When a claim is subject to arbitration needs to be decided by either the court or the arbitrator, and the Willie Gary decision says who gets that honor. This decision explains how to apply Willie Gary.

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